I'm Chris
and I make things.

I'm an experienced developer who has been designing, developing, and maintaining web applications for over 10 years. Javascript has been at the heart of my career and the language of choice as a hobby.

Since 2019, I've been leading and mentoring other frontend developers.

Well rounded
There is more to making than just coding.

engineering Testing

A developer should always test their own code before sending a pull request or to QA for review. Putting your work onto others to complete is unacceptable.

timer Time Management

Knowing how long it will take to make something or how far along you currently are, is important. Also, when you're blocked, it's time to ask for help.

forum Communication

You're never alone in development and your team is more than your fellow developers. Transparency and clarity are keys to success.

published_with_changes Reliability

When you say you are going to do something, you do it. When you say something will get done by X date, get it done. Always keep your promises.

Beyond the desk
When I'm not hitting keys, I like rolling dice at the table with friends.

I got into table top role playing games in my early 20's, mostly playing Dungeons and Dragons with friends on the weekends. After a few years of being a player, I jumped into with both feet trying to run a game as a Game Master. Now years later, I can confidently say that I'm sufficiently not terrible at being a GM.

If I'm not playing D&D then its most likely going to Battletech, Shadowrun, or Savage Worlds. There is more to table top than RPGs, some of the other games I enjoy are: Settlers of Catan, Risk, and Small World.